I had my mother in law tell me the other day that she thinks she will never be good enough for her daughter. This bothers me so much because my Mother in Law is a wonderful grandmother and she almost never sees her grandchildren.
There is something about the mother that is "called" to be a home maker that just screams "I'm so much better at this than you"
I don't know if the whole home maker mentality even really exists any more or if it is just the scaled down boob job. Look my house is cleaner than yours! Look my kids know french! Look I make my husbands life easier in every way accept I wont give head! OK the last one was a little vindictive, BUT truly, that's how I see it.
I think that it is a total cop out for some one to say they "choose" to be a "stay at home mom" and I am finding empowerment behind that title. Its not a title its the way God designed it to be. though women are just as smart, just as capable as a man at most everything. But men cant breastfeed or give life like we can we are just built for it. So to "choose" it is a fallacy... You cant choose something that you were created to do so why make the rest of us that choose to work feel bad about it?
And furthermore, stop scaring the hell out of those of us that haven't made it there yet!
I am in my mid 20's and terrified that if I am not a mother to a biological child by the time I am 30 I will not have the energy to be good enough, happy enough, clean enough or holy enough... That id I choose to wite my book my children will some how one day go to therapy with one of my husbands colleagues and tell them that they missed out on my homemade baby food, or if I decided to teach that I was to busy grading papers and it scarred them for life that I bought pizza and made sandwiches for more than one or five meals a week.
Why does it have to be a terrorist operation? Why cant we just leave it at every family is different and some families are better off if Mom doesn't cook! I know my kids might feel that way. Or if some Moms don't stay at home, I personally feel that my husband has a more maternal quality than I do. I attribute that to my wonderful mother in law... I on the other hand have a more masculine quality and am OK with that, and have embraced it...
I guess I just want to stop the fighting. Stop the stare down and Babies R Us and the play ground or doctors office...
Because lets face it, no one, is or ever will be the Perfect Mother...
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